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2019-2020 Year in Review

Here are some notable updates from our lab during the 2019-2020 Academic Year. Congratulations to all!

Dissertations Defended

Dr. Victoria Hauth

Confirmation bias and Pedophilic Disorder in SVP evaluations

Dr. Kermeka Desai

Debiasing techniques in assessments of imminent danger

Masha Berman

Interrater agreement in Medical Decision Making Capacity evaluations

Dissertation Proposals Approved

Masha Berman: interrater agreement in Medical Decision Making Capacity evaluations

Megan Faye: emotional experiences of sexual violence treatment providers

Alec Wierzbicki: violence risk reduction in diversion treatments for non-psychotic disorders

Honors Thesis Defended

Melissa Horak: age and perceptions of sexual dangerousness

Conference Presentations

Adrie Henry, Natalie Ross: 2020 American Psychology-Law Society Conference, Impact of seeking treatment on perceptions of campus sexual assault

Kermeka Desai: 2020 APLS Conference (above dissertation)

Victoria Hauth: 2020 Association for the Treatment of Sexual Abusers Conference (above dissertation; deferred due to COVID-19)


Publications Submitted

Henry, A. P., Perillo, A. D., Reitz-Krueger, C. L., & Perillo, J. T. (2020). Reflecting the times? Reexamining the effect of alcohol intoxication on perceptions of campus sexual assault.

Status = Revise & Resubmit

Perillo, J. T., Perillo, A. D., Despodova, N. M., & Kovera, M. B. (2020). Testing the waters: An investigation of the impact of hot tubbing on experts from referral through testimony.

Status = Under initial review

Publications Accepted

Perillo, A. D., Calkins, C., & Jeglic, E. L. (2020). Evaluating selection for Sexually Violent Predator commitment: A comparison of those committed, not committed, and nearly committed. Psychology, Public Policy, and Law. Advance online publication.

Grants Submitted

American Psychological Foundation: Person-first language, processing styles, & attitudes toward sexual violence perpetration

Status = Under review

Professional Panels

Anthony Perillo w/ Jennifer Beaudry, Brad McAuliff, and Mark Hurwitz: 2020 APLS Conference, Open science practices in psychology-law research


Inauguration of our peer-review mentoring system

Completed our first pre-registrations to the Open Science Framework

Uploaded our first preprints to OSF's psyarxiv


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